Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Value Portrait Painting

Project: Select a black and white portrait of a person you admire and paint the portrait using only black and white acrylic paints
Materials: acrylic paint on paper
Grade: 11th

Historical Painting Come to Life

Project: Create an artwork based on a historical event for Armory Youth Corps 2011 exhibition at the Park Avenue Armory
Materials: plaster of paris, newspaper, glue, water, acrylic paint, canvas
Grade:  11th

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Paper Mache Masks

Project: mask-making
Materials: balloons, newspaper, glue, water, acrylic paint
Artist: Laura Craft

Monet Inspirations

Project: Create a mural inspired by a master artist
Materials: foam core, cardstock, canvas paper, acrylic
Grades: 6th - 8th

Friday, July 11, 2014


Project: Create a printed design using warm colors
Materials: sponges (as stamps), tissue paper, tempera paint
Grades: Pre-K - K

DIY Cork Boards

Project: Cork Board
Materials: wood, sandpaper (optional) copper wire, corks (from wine bottles or other), hot glue gun
How-to: Sand wood so that there are no rough edges, attach wire backing to wood (use eye hooks or staple gun to secure), hot glue corks to the front of wood, hang on wall!  Add as many keepsakes, photos, etc. as you like to your board.

Printed Robot Collages

Project: Create a robot by using recycled materials to print the components
Materials: recycled materials, acrylic paint, construction paper, glue, variety of papers and collage materials
Grades: 4th and 5th grades

Paper Mache Monsters

Project: Design an imagined creature, build an armature, sculpt your creature
Materials: newspaper, packing tape, glue, acrylic paint
Grades: 1-2